Quality Assurance

In accordance with its articles of association, DPU presents itself to an internal and external quality assurance council and advisory board. This ensures that the courses on offer, teaching, efficiency of the course and academic work are constantly monitored.

A quality assurance advisory council is set up by DPU and meets regularly; it is made up of external consultants (Univ.-Prof. Dkfm.  Dr. Eugen Hauke, Dr.in Brigitte Ettl, Dr. Gerald Bachinger, Mag. Roland Schaffler), experts and reviewers (Primar Uni.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Rüdiger Junker M.Sc., FDS RCSEd, Univ.-Prof. MR HR Dr. Robert Fischer, Dir. Robert Wagner MA), and supplements the internal quality assurance of a study evaluation by the students as well as the external evaluation by the Agency for Quality Assurance Austria, which affects every private university in Austria as part of a regular reaccreditation process.

Qualitätsmanagementsystem der Danube Private University

Training as a certified quality representative in healthcare

Goal-oriented coordination and implementation of quality management aspects serve the continuous improvement process in health care. In accordance with this principle and underlining the management style of medical performance, Prim. Univ.-Prof. DDr. Rüdiger Junker MSc FDS RCSEd successfully completed the training and certification as a quality representative in healthcare of the TÜV ® Austria Academy in May 2023.

Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Rüdiger Junker, MSc FDS RCSEd

Director of the Center for Dental Prosthetics and Biomaterials, Scientific Director of the Doctoral Program in Dentistry (PhD), Medical Director of the Dental Outpatient Clinic Krems of the DPU